Alt: @AceMakesMoreArt
I'm a minor so don't be weirdStay away if you are homophobic, racist, post nsfw things, or hate on other peopleDon't post anything really weird in my repliesDon't try and find personal information about me. If I don't post it then it's not your business to knowIf you know me irl then please ask me before posting something in my replies if it contains information about my personal life
A little note before you leave
I just wanted to add this as a little reminder of how amazing you are as a person. Never forget how loved and valid you are and remember to take care of yourself. Make sure to eat and drink and rest and don't push yourself too far. Good things can take time, there's no need to rush. You are important and people care about you and I'm so proud of you for making it so far in your life ♥
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